Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm Sick

Mom gave me a cold. My head hurts, my nose is stuffed, and I'm sleepy.:( Dayquill and Nyquill(did I spell that right?) don't really work and tissues are now my best friends. It's okay though because now I don't have to do very much and, so Payton and Kourtni don't steal my blanket, I say, "You're gonna get sick if you use that." It works really well. Anyway, I need to write more on here so I thought I'd share that with you. Bye. Oh, and now that you've read this once, read it again in a stuffy-nose voice;)

1 comment:

The Ball Babies said...

You're sick and I'm sorry...Soon you'll feel better! But, for now, just rest, my dear!