Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dumb Vampire Books

Oooohh, I very much dislike Twighlight. Not to offend the 200,000,000 who do. It's just so, so... pointless and dumb. I will admit that I read all three books plus half of the fourth and I don't know why I wasted my time. GAG ME WITH A SPOON! Bella is an ignorant, personality-less klutz. She is the main reason why I don't like the book but there is so much more about it I dislike. It's, like, addicting. You don't like it but you have to read it. I wish I hadn't read it at all. The first book is actually ok but the rest are dumb. I liked the movie though, especially when Bella drops the apple and Edward catches it with his foot and bounces it into his hands.(note the book cover)The other good part is where the Cullens all walk into the lunchroom in sort-of slow motion and everyone stares because thats the first time you see them in the movie. Anyway, I know this post may sound a little harsh and some of you may be wondering why I, a 12 year old, read this book(all of my friends told me about it  and to read it) but I 
will tell you I didn't enjoy it. Blah...:(PS I do like Emmet and Jacob and Alice and Carlisle though!


Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

Ha,ha,ha!! You are so cute!

Aly G said...

Oh Lins, I love that finally somone does not like the twilight books! I myself havent read them yet but am so glad you don't love them, because now I feel like I am not wasting my time reading some pointless book! Thanks for the tip niecey poo! You are sooo smart for your age girly girly! I am so glad you have a blog that I can stock here and there! Love you! Aly